The Criminal Establishment vs. The Credible Alternatives

When faced with new and different-looking candidates from political parties that they do not know, many voters respond with - the alternatives are not credible. They are not popular enough our people say, and they do not have experience, and most of all they are not prepared to do what the more popular and experienced candidates do to win the elections. Let us examine each of these three characteristics of candidates that are considered not credible by Nigerian standards. Before we do, just answer this question - what are the results that we have gotten so far from the so-called "credible" ones? Are we more comfortable with the devils that we know than with the angels that we do not know? Or are we like rape victims who having been raped so many times start inviting their rapists to continuously violate them? So, are the present crop of establishment Nigerian politicians who have failed to deliver the dividends of democracy actually popular or are they actually “notorious”....